Some freshwater algae and zooplankton sealed in the jar to check if it can be self-sustaining.
To produce innovative and fully self-contained terrariums, the lab is working hard to improve our understanding of botanical physiology and ecology.
Project ecojar - self-sustaining freshwater ecosystem.
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Mini ecosystem
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These systems can sunset from several months to several days if the conditions are right.
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Self sustaining terrarium
This image illustrates Self sustaining terrarium.
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Ecojar lab essay 04
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Ecojar lab essay 05
This image illustrates Ecojar lab essay 05.
Take care contact information and details about ecojar.
Explain the purpose of our ecojar lab.
The treatment used connected our ecojar: coca-cola and the better chemicals.
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Ecojar lab essay 06
This picture illustrates Ecojar lab essay 06.
AN entire ecosystem encapsulated in glass.
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Ecojar lab essay 07
This image representes Ecojar lab essay 07.
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Ecojar - an total ecosystem encapsulated fashionable glass.